How does a swimming pool inspection help you as a pool owner in Schaumburg?

Did you know that Schaumburg has many private swimming pools? These pools not only add to the home’s aesthetics but are also very practical (especially in summer). You see, when the temperature rises in summer, these backyard pools provide a relaxing place for the whole family to gather and have fun. Kids enjoy, you relax, and together, you guys get to create so many memories.

With that said, we need to address the elephant in the room. Is the pool safe for your family? Is it built to the residential swimming pool guidelines? As a pool owner, it’s your responsibility to keep your pool clean and safe. The cleaning part you can do, but safety part, for that you need professional pool inspections.

Such an inspection will help identify present or possible issues in the pool, and you’ll know what to do to ensure your family’s safety.

So, let’s talk about how a pool inspection can help you as a pool owner in Schaumburg.

Key factors that are checked by the pool inspector

A swimming pool inspector examines every part of the pool to ensure that it meets safety standards. They check the cracks, water quality, drainage system, and filtration and circulating system, ensuring they are all in good condition and functional.

Here, we discuss the key components examined during a swimming pool inspection that benefit the pool owner.

Pool structure

The pool structure plays an important role in capturing memories and spending quality time. Pool inspectors check for cracks and leakage and identify problems that may lead to serious problems in the future.

Water quality

Water quality is tested to ensure that it is suitable for human skin. A certified water quality inspector checks the pH level, chlorine level, and other contaminants in water. This confirms a balanced and safe environment for the pool owner and their family.

If you want to learn more about home water quality, we’ve got a blog for you. 

Filtration and circulation

The efficiency of the pool system increases when its auxiliary components function properly. Pool inspectors check all the pumps to ensure they are in good condition and properly filter the water.

Electrical switches and all components

Electrical components must be in a safe zone and have no loose connections. The insulation of electrical wires must be fine and not overlap with each other. A certified swimming pool inspection company like The BrickKicker ensures that all electrical components are safe and in working condition. If they find any trouble, they note it and mention it in the written report.


They identify the water problems such as pipe leakage, blockage, and issues with the drainage system. They make sure that everything is functional without any issues.

Deck and diving boars

The surrounding area must be safe when the pool is in use, and the diving board must be designed according to safety precautions.

Benefits of getting a swimming pool inspection for a homeowner

There are various benefits to getting a pool inspection. It prevents major problems in the future.

Safety assurance

Pool inspection helps the owner ensure that their pool meets the safety parameters and is suitable for them and their family. The inspector checks all the pool parameters so you can enjoy your summer season without any hassle.

Early problem detection

Pool inspectors examine all the components of the pool that can cause trouble in the future. A swimming pool examination provides information before problems occur. This helps you make informed decisions and overcome any issues before they become unmanageable. It also saves the pool owner a handsome amount of money that would be spent on maintenance.

How to get a swimming pool inspection in Schaumburg

Getting a certified swimming pool inspector is a challenging task in Schaumburg. You not only have to find the right inspector or inspection company, but you also have to make sure that they understand your needs. Because every pool is different, you expect different things from it. Your family spends its time around it in its own unique way.

All of this calls for a seriously talented and certified inspector (or inspection company) to handle your pool’s inspection. And how do you identify if the inspector you choose is the right one? You can do this by following the 2-step formula we have for you.

They must have a certification:

The pool inspector must have a National Association of Home Inspectors (NAHI) certification. This shows that the inspector knows industry standards and can provide an authentic report. This is a must because you cannot hand over your pool’s inspection to any random inspector who says they can check it for you. You need someone who knows industry standards and is certified to handle the pool inspection.

They must have experience:

That inspector must have experience, especially in swimming pools. Due to their potential experience, they can identify even the most hidden problems that will be helpful for the pool owner. Obviously, the experience is also handy when talking about the local terrain and general pool conditions in Schaumburg. If they have experience in the area, they will know about the most common issues and can focus on other outlying issues that an inexperienced pool inspector might skip.

Final words

Swimming pool inspection is crucial if a pool owner wants to make their pool safe and secure. During the inspection, the inspector checks all the parameters and ensures they meet the pool safety standards. We strongly recommend that you choose a reliable and certified inspection company for swimming pool inspection. If you want to get this service, The Brickkicker is always here for you. We have certified and experienced inspectors to check your pool for you. So don’t hesitate. Contact us and get a quote for your project.